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Subscription Cancellation and Refund Policy
Subscription Cancellation and Refund Policy

This article outlines Visla's policy for subscription cancellations and refunds.

Updated over 11 months ago

Active Service Until End of Billing Period

If you decide to cancel your Visla subscription, your service will continue to be active until the end of your current billing period, whether that is annual or monthly.

Account Holder Responsibility

Managing the subscription renewal cycle and timely cancellation is the sole responsibility of the account holder. Visla will not issue reimbursements or refunds for unused recording time, publish time, or accounts that are no longer needed. If you have an annual subscription and choose to cancel partway through the billing cycle, we will not provide refunds for the remaining months or unused time.

Subscription Billing

Visla is a subscription-based service, billed either monthly or annually based on your selection. To avoid any unwanted charges, it is crucial to cancel your subscription before the next billing cycle begins.

No Refunds Policy

Per our Terms of Service and Refund Policy, we do not issue refunds upon cancellation. This includes any unused recording or publishing time, and no refunds are provided for errors in subscription choice or usage. Our policy reflects the substantial resources and costs required for our advanced AI processes, a standard practice within the AI technology industry to ensure resource efficiency and sustainability.

Our pricing and refund policies are transparently outlined in our Terms of Service, ensuring users are informed before committing to a subscription. The annual subscription offers a one-time payment option that, despite being higher initially, results in long-term savings over the monthly plan, designed to deliver the best value to our users.

To support user flexibility and satisfaction, we offer a free plan, allowing comprehensive exploration of our services without financial commitment. This enables informed decisions about the most suitable subscription model for individual needs, ensuring a commitment-free way to assess our platform's value.

We appreciate your understanding of our policies. For any further questions or clarifications, our support team is available to assist you.

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