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Getty Images Content: Understanding Usage Rights and Restrictions

Understand the usage rights and restrictions associated with Getty Images content. There are important limitations to be aware of.

Updated over 7 months ago

Ownership and Usage Rights

When you create videos using Getty Images content on our platform, you have the right to use the final video output. However, it's important to note that you do not own the individual Getty Images elements used within these videos.

Commercial Use Restrictions on Editorial Content

Editorial content is subject to strict commercial use limitations:

  1. No Unauthorized Commercial Use: You cannot use Getty Images content for commercial, promotional, advertising, or merchandising purposes without proper licensing.

  2. No Reselling or Redistribution: Selling, licensing, or distributing Getty Images content as standalone files is prohibited.

  3. No Use in Templates or On-Demand Products: Getty Images content cannot be used in electronic templates or for creating customizable products like t-shirts or mugs.

  4. No Social Media Use: Unless specifically permitted, reproducing Getty Images content on social media platforms is not allowed.

  5. No Logo or Trademark Use: Incorporating Getty Images content into logos or trademarks requires prior written consent and may incur additional fees.

Content Alteration and Credit Requirements

  1. Editorial Content Integrity: Editorial images must not be altered beyond necessary cropping for technical quality.

  2. Proper Attribution: Credit must be given to Getty Images and sometimes to specific photographers or collections, especially in editorial contexts.

Responsibility and Compliance

It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of Getty Images content complies with these restrictions. Failure to do so may result in legal complications.

By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively use Getty Images content in your videos created within Visla. If you have any doubts about usage rights, please contact our support team for clarification.

By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively use Getty Images content in your videos while maintaining legal compliance. If you have any doubts about usage rights, please contact our support team for clarification.

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