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Understanding Teamspaces
Updated over 9 months ago


Visla Teamspaces are your hubs for seamless collaboration. Teams can share footage, create, edit, and approve videos in a centralized space. Every Workspace includes at least one Teamspace for everyone to connect.

Creating a Teamspace

  1. In the desired Workspace, click on the menu on the top-left corner of your screen

  2. Select Create Teamspace

  3. Name your Teamspace and choose if you want to make it Open, Closed, or Private

Adding Members to a Teamspace

  1. In the desired Teamspace, click on the menu next to the Teamspace name

  2. Select Add Members

  3. Invite Members by email and decide if they are Teamspace owners or members only

Joining a Teamspace

  1. In the desired Workspace, click on the menu on the top-left corner of your screen

  2. Select Join Teamspace

  3. Check the box next to the Teamspace you want to join, and click confirm

Teamspace Settings

  1. Click on the menu next to the desired Teamspace

  2. Select Teamspace Settings

  3. You can manage:

    1. General (name and description)

    2. People (members and their roles, and guests)

    3. Permissions (what members and guests are allowed to do and access)

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