Step 1: Manage Permissions on Workspace Level
Who can view the links you share:
Then, head to the Workspace settings, and the Permissions tab.
Here you can decide the level of access people have as well as lock this setting on the Workspace level.
Option 1: Sharing from Clips Section
Navigate to Clips: Go to your 'Clips' section.
Select Share Icon: Click on the share icon for the video you wish to share.
Share Window Options:
Copy URL: Directly copy the link to your video.
Invite by Email: Send invitations to people via their email addresses
Option 2: Share Directly from the Clip
Open the clip you want to share and click on the share button below the clip image to share.
The same sharing window will pop up to copy the link to share.
Option 3: Embedding Video on Your Website
Choose Embed Option: In the share window, select the option to embed the video.
Select Size: Decide whether the embedded video should be of a fixed size or responsive to screen changes.
These sharing options provide flexibility in how you distribute and display your video content.